There are several easy ways to donate to DVI:

1. Donate ONLINE

To donate directly to DVI in Israel please use the PayPal link. You don’t need to be a PayPal member to donate this way!

  • תרום ישירות בביט ל-די.וי.אי. – ארגון רופאי שיניים מתנדבים לישראל וקבל קבלה 46א במייל
  • To donate and receive a US Tax receipt click here to get to the American Friends of DVI.
  • To donate and receive a Canadian Tax receipt click here to get to the Canadian Friends of DVI.
  • To donate and receive a UK Tax receipt click here to get to the MyIsrael Charity Site.
  • To donate and receive a Tax receipt in France pour effectuer un don par chèque à l’ordre du Keren Hayessod en spécifiant au dos du chèque « DVI- Dentistes Volontaires en Israël ». Adresse postale- KEREN HAYESSOD France, 152 Avenue Malakoff- 75116 Paris (Pour effectuer un don par virement bancaire, contactez le Keren Hayessod par email sur l’adresse ou par téléphone au 01 77 37 70 80. Vous recevrez un reçu fiscal directement après votre don.)

2. Donate by Check (charity checks accepted)
Please make checks payable to DVI and post to DVI, 29 Mekor Chaim St, Jerusalem 93465 Israel.

3. Gifts in Celebration
Make your special occasion even more meaningful by requesting donations instead of gifts. Please email with the event details.

4. Leave a Bequest to DVI
You can set up a bequest to DVI in your Last Will and Testament.

How to Say It

To leave your gift for Dental Volunteers for Israel (tax-deductible), please use the following language:

“I give _______________ [amount or percentage] to Dental Volunteers for Israel, an Israeli registered amuta, currently located at Dental Volunteers for Israel, Mekor Haim 29, Jerusalem, 9346534, (Attention: Fundraising), Amuta #: 58-003-869-3 .”
Email this language to your attorney or advisor.

ברצוני לתרום ______________ (סכום או אחוז) לרופאי שיניים מתנדבים לישראל, רחוב מקור חיים 29, ירושלים 9346534, (להלן: מחלקת גיוס כספים) עמותה ישראלית רשומה מספר 58-003-869-3
נא לשלוח את זה ב-דוא”ל לעורך הדין או ליועץ שלך