New Dental Unit donated by Brigham Young University & AO London September 2009

New Dental Unit donated by Brigham Young University & AO London September 2009

Through the assistance and generosity of BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies and Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity London Chapter, DVI has received a new complete dental unit. This new unit, which is now compatible to the 5 other chairs in the clinic, replaces a 17 year old chair that needed constant maintenance just to keep it running. DVI prides itself on providing the highest standards of treatment and care to the children of Jerusalem. With this new dental unit, we will be able to continue providing this treatment for many years to come.

BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies is a fervent supporter of DVI and host our volunteers at their weekly concerts. Over the past few years, the center has donated much needed equipment to DVI. For more information on the Brigham Young Center in Jerusalem, please see

Through its Charitable Trust, AO London Chapter is a new a welcome supporter of DVI having funded the purchase of a new compressor earlier this year. For more information about Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity London Chapter, please see

New Dental Unit donated by Brigham Young University & AO London September 2009